Research often makes the difference between a good real estate investor and a great one. Homeowners and real estate investors who are looking to grow the largest return on their properties must collect information to help them make smart decisions about purchasing, renting, or selling properties.


These days, this attention to detail is more important than ever. The advent of new data collection methods gives entrepreneurs a wealth of information at their fingertips. Experts predict that the increase in available data will have a huge impact on future real estate practices.


Modern Investors Have Access to Far More Data

To understand why data analysis is revolutionizing real estate, it’s helpful to understand what exactly has changed. Information was always an essential part of real estate. But in the past, it was mostly used to compare values and to evaluate if there is a hidden opportunity.


Current levels of data are far more intense. Thanks to the internet, people have access to huge amounts of data.  At a glance, investors can find things like flood maps, neighborhood demographics, traffic levels, and planned developments.


When you want to invest in real estate, you can quickly examine years of rent rates, potential environmental disasters, and even nearby zoning changes. Also, data from social media and search engines is now available. This can provide valuable details on what sort of person wants to buy a property and which areas in a town are generating the most interest.


Data Analytics Are Accelerating Real Estate Decisions

The huge amount of data available might seem overwhelming, but the reality is that it can actually simplify things. When you use a data analytics service, the report immediately highlights the most essential facts. Thanks to the software’s ability to comb through and sort data, it is simpler than ever to get the details you need. 


Real estate professionals have noticed that all this is making things move a lot more rapidly. Investors no longer have to spend days talking to various companies and requesting hard copies of various reports. Instead, they can find necessary details in just minutes. This has made it far easier to make a decision on a property.  


Thanks to data analysis, the average listed property sits on the market for only a few days instead of several weeks. Banking professionals are also able to move more quickly, approving credit applications and performing due diligence in hours. Even tenants are moving faster now that they can quickly compare the rent rates in their desired area.  



Both Purchases and Sales Are Affected by Data

Data analytics are getting involved with just about every step of a real estate transaction. If you’re buying a property, data can be crucial to selecting the right spot and offering the right amount. Many homeowners are using analytics to locate promising parts of town.


The right analytics can also let you obtain an estimate of a property’s value or potential rental income so that you can negotiate a good deal. When selling property, analytics are even more useful. Many real estate investors are starting to involve analytics in their marketing. You can do things like track visitor interactions on websites or send targeted ads to potential buyers.


The ability to analyze things like buyer budgets, preferences, and interest in a property help you make a favorable sale.



Property Data Still Matters … Even After You Close A Deal

Another interesting fact about the increase in data analytics is that it affects more than just purchase price. Almost all large insurance companies have revealed that they are investing heavily in data analytics. These advanced data techniques can help improve underwriting and reduce the risk of loss.  


For those looking to lease properties, taking a look at insurance analytics can be a smart move. It can help you identify potential causes of loss such as floods or earthquakes. Looking at how your property data will impact your insurance is also helpful for estimating your yearly costs. Taking the time to look at this in advance can keep you from ending up with a property that costs too much to insure.



Data Allows for More Market Automation

All this data analysis is leading to some interesting automation trends. For example, many property appraisals are starting to use predictive algorithms and AI models to evaluate property prices. Some larger companies are able to automate things like identifying valuable properties and encouraging owners to sell. This automation can come with some surprising outcomes.


Some experts link the growth in real estate venture capitalists with automation. Since automation can save time and reduce the need for some employees, it allows for more startups and more small investors. The rise in automation also reduces the need for middlemen in your transactions. In the long run, automation may make it easier for homeowners to get involved in real estate investment.




These Changes Come With New Challenges

Though most data analysis is useful for entrepreneurs, it can also lead to some potential risks. In the future, those who don’t invest in analytics will be at a disadvantage. The market is becoming faster paced with more fluctuations. This may be somewhat overwhelming to less experienced investors. In the future, it may also be harder to trust data. For example, the lack of transparency in some ROI calculations can mislead unwary investors.  


Another challenge is simply understanding and processing the vast amount of data. Each day, more and more types of data are being produced. Therefore, the type of analysis you use will be essential. Real estate investors who use the incorrect software may find themselves overlooking important things. In the future, there may be a constant race to find better and better analytic methods because the investors who have the most cutting-edge technology may do the best.



What the Focus on Data Means for the Typical Investor and Homeowner

The rise in data analysis provides the typical real estate entrepreneur with another helpful tool. However, even if you don’t start using analytics yourself, the market is still bound to change. Right now, we are already seeing an increase in how fast decisions are made as well as a change in the type of property that insurance companies will insure. In the future, data analytics may affect factors like prices, zoning, and development as well.  


If you don’t take the time to incorporate data into your decisions, you might find yourself lagging behind your peers. Those who fail to take advantage of the right data analysis might pick underperforming properties, or they might not be able to get their financing in order quickly enough. For most investors, the best option is to start investing in data analytics as soon as possible. If this isn’t something you can do yet, you’ll need to be willing to put a lot more time and effort into your research, finances, and investment strategies.  


Ultimately, data analytics can have all sorts of helpful applications. If you’re interested in improving your own investments with data analytics, check out our Market Report service. This helpful data analysis guide provides you with personalized analysis on your area of interest. You can identify market trends, see estimated net yields, and view comparable sales. To learn more about how the Market Report subscription works, contact us today.

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